Sunday, June 29, 2014

Romania Day 1 Snip-It's

         This morning we woke up and went to a Romanian Baptist Church for Bible study and service. The teens who were in the Bible study were mostly kids from the Livada Orphan Care (LOC) group homes so they were really receptive to Americans. We were fortunate enough to have a translator during service as well so we were able to understand the pastor's sermon. 
 After service, we headed to the LOC office for orientation. We learned some of the ins and outs for the week that is ahead of us, but really we all know it's a learn as you go kind of thing, and we have to be FLEXIABLE! That's the key to ministry any where! 
       Then we headed over to the LOC group homes to go hang with the kids, they ranged any where from 13-21 years old, so it has been easy to relate and have an actual conversation with. After one round of Farkel, we decided we were done. 
      And thats when God put "K" (names cannot be mentioned) in my pathway. Wow oh wow! At first our conversation consisted of those awkward questions you first ask when you meet someone for the first time; however, knowing my time in Romania is short, I decided to jump right into it. Which surprisingly actually worked!! And come to find out, she rarely opens up to people! "K" and I connected on a personal level; we talked about family complications and the anger we have had towards God for what we'e felt like have been a "bad deal of cards." It's crazy when you choose to be transparent with your life and your testimony and allow God to use your mess for a message and and change your test into testimonies!! 
        We start camp (almost like an extended version of VBS) tomorrow, and I'm excited to love on the kids and teach and show them about their Heavenly Father who loves them soooo much!!! Please be praying for hearts to be open, and for dead ears to come to life and we bring the word tomorrow!! Great things are ahead; I can feel it! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Y the L Not

A lot of people tend to have a misconception about the organization Younglife. Their conception is far beyond wrong.

I got involved in Younglife the beginning of my freshman year of high school. We painted our faces, had random dance parties, food fights, & swallowed gold fish pretty much on a regular basis.
Crud Wars 2010
Growing in friendship and in community. As the days grew longer and months began to pass by, we began to learn what Younglife is all about. Fun and games was just the start of a wonderful journey.

I was pretty consistent in attending my freshman year; however, sophomore and junior year became pretty hectic. My parents started the process of divorce my sophomore year, and piece by piece my world as I knew it began to unravel. Nothing was the same any more. I was confused and didn't really have an idea of my place anymore. A sense of independency overcame me. "Courtney is the only one that will take care of Courtney. Don't rely on anyone to do anything for you." Deep down, as much as an independent person I may be, I secretly always wanted someone to be a cheerleader in my life. That's when the lovely woman, Randi Wideman came in. For the last 4 years, this joy filled woman of God has consistently poured into my
Randi & I
Homecoming 2011
life and the lives of the rest of our campaigners girls. High school is tough! The constant struggle of trying to fit in, making friends, our appearance, everything! And then add teenage hormones into the mix, and it's just awful! Since day one, she has drilled the Bible verse Songs of Solomon 4:7 into our brains! "You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you!" That verse is permanently in my brain for the good! This verse has played a MAJOR role in finding my true identity in Christ! From struggles with my body to pleasing people consistently. I AM beautiful! God made me perfect in His image! She was, and still is concerned with what is going on in our lives, the good & the bad!
My junior year was probably the hardest of them all. I couldn't seem to find the balance between working, working out, and growing in my relationship with God, and it showed! It was also a difficult time because I no longer felt at peace at the church I was at but I tried holding on for as long as I could, mainly because I HATE change. It happens, but I was pretty devastated. Already coming from a hard background I had trust issues, but this just really increased my anxiety.
BUT, through all those problems, Younglife, my leaders, & my campaigners group was always there! Summer after my sophomore year I attended YL camp for the first time at Frontier. I was so stoked and excited! I had heard so much about all the fun and excitement that awaited the best week of my life. Little did I know, the best week of my life soon became the worst. My great-grandfather passed away half way through the week and I was more than heart broken. Literally weeping so hard I was drooling; another little side note, I HATE CRYING! Despite my ugly cries of grieving, my cabin and leaders all took the time and each wrote me a letter of encouragement. One of my other sweet, precious leaders, Brittany Trevatham,
Britt & I
Thanksgiving 2013
quoted the bible verse Matthew 5:4, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they s hall be comforted." I clung to those words left and right! I had no idea that emotions that would come, days, even months after my great-grandpa's death.
         You see, Younglife isn't just a place of fun and games; Younglife is a group of people all with one thing in common...WE'RE JESUS FREAKS!!! Loud and proud!! And with that in common, we get to do life together, through all the crazy stuff that may happen! Honestly I can say, Younglife is the only reason I made it through all 4 years of high school. I was the only consistent thing I had in life. And now, now I have been blessed with a forever family to come to when times get too rough the and the boat of life starts rocking.

         TODAY; I get to fly half way across the world with my family and make Jesus known! Today we fly to Romania. We will get to love on those who don't get love on a regular basis, and tell them about their Heavenly Father who wants nothing more than to hold them in His arms! I am so excited to take on this adventure with my family!!!

More posts soon :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Who Am I?

I will be honest. My last post was about 7 months ago! Good golly! It's not that I haven't wanted to write, or had the urge to write. I just...couldn't. So let me explain.

As some of you my or may not know, my trip to Africa last summer was supposed to be a bit longer than it was. I was supposed to be in Kenya for a little over a week and then fly over to Uganda to meet with some friends. However, my plan ISN'T always God's plan. My last night in Kenya was spent rejoicing from the week, enjoying each others company, and playing games.
You see, I am quite the competitive person when it comes to games. That can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing. Good thing because I like to play hard to win; bad thing because sometimes I can take it a little too far. We were running around and I was trying not to get tagged, so logically I jumped over a bush in attempt to get away. Well, that jump was the end of the game; the landing of my jump didn't end so gracefully and I ended up breaking my foot. I couldn't walk on it at all! The boys on the team had to help carry me to my bed. I feel asleep for a bit, but was by the toilet for most of the night throwing up due to the amount of pain I was in.
I don't remember much, from the  day after I broke my foot, other than the village nurse coming and injecting me with a pain killer written in another language. After that, the only thing I can really recall is waking up in a taxi a couple hours later on my way to the airport to get my plane ticket changed. Talk about an interesting journey.
My foot was seen as quite the inconvenience to many; however, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. My foot breaking was all apart of God's faithfulness to protect His servants. My heart still aches talking about all this. So I am not going to get too much into it. BUT I will say, if it were not for my foot breaking, I wouldn't be here today.

Through all of this, God was teaching me lesson after lesson. "Courtney, I've got you. I love you. I am your Daddy, and I WILL protect you." He proved to me His power, and His provision. That the hurt and the pain would be taken away. Medically, physically, and emotionally.
If you had told me before my trip what would happen in the months to follow I wouldn't believe you. The break in my foot was so severe that I was told I would be in a cast for at least 3 months, if not more. Again, God's plan is greater than our own, even medically. My church (The Harvest/ The Mvmnt) was so consistent in praying for the healing hands of Jesus to wash over me. Knowing and believing that God is capable to do all we ask of Him. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." -Matthew 7:7     
 God is ALWAYS faithful. I was HEALED a whole month and a half early after I was told I would be in the cast for AT LEAST 3 months if not more!
Some like to say that because "I'm young" is the reason I healed so early. WRONG!!! Give glory where glory is due! Even my doctor was shocked because my first x-ray didn't medically match up to the one she took on the day my cast was taken off. GOD IS SO GOOD!

Even though my Heavenly Father was taking care of me. I still struggled with who I was. If you knew me before my break, I was a pretty active girl! I would go to boot camp in the morning and then the gym later that day, sometimes even twice. Three workouts in one day! That's what I did. That's who I was. Being wheelchair bounded in a cast, I couldn't workout, heck I couldn't walk! And until two weeks ago, March 17th, I wasn't even cleared to run! I lost who I was. I lost all passions I had (like blogging).

BUT THAT'S NOT ME! I'm not that girl! I'm not the one to let my situation and circumstance define me, but for the past 8 months that's who I have been. From the girl in the wheelchair, to the girl in the boot, to the girl back to normal, to the girl back in a boot, and now to the girl in a brace.
I am putting my once broken foot down! I am not who I once was. Just like our past sins don't define us, neither do past injuries! I am reclaiming me! Reclaiming my identity. I am Courtney: God's daughter, His servant, His beloved.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's Time...Kenaya Look Back

                       I don't think I'll ever be fully over the emotions experienced on this trip. The emotions, the feelings, their unexplainable. My heart is heavy as I think back to the trip, to look at the pictures, and to re-read what I wrote in my journal.
                       I struggle a lot, just in everyday life with finding my place. Feeling like I belong some where. At the beginning of the trip I didn't feel as if I truly belonged, I couldn't seem to find my place, my spot so to speak. When I thought I finally grasped my place, I was quickly told it wasn't. So then, it was back to the drawing board. Those are the kind of things that stress me out, not a whole lot of order or organization. I spent some one on one time with God, and He repeatedly told me over, and over, and over, "Courtney, relax. Trust me. I've got a plan." I had to grasp on His reassurance, and rely on the fact that He's got me, He's got everything!
                      We visited Nairobi Chapel on Sunday morning of the trip. I went into service expecting it would be totally different. But just about in everyway possible, it was exactly like church here back home. I sat next to a woman namedTophister Amoit.
 She lit up the sky with her smile.She became a believer back in March, but was only stopping through Nairobi to try and find some money. She is one of 21 children! She told me that I was an answer to her prayer, because she had been praying to have someone to sit by in church. My heart quenched. Me? An answer to someone's prayer? And then, my heart broke. I had this feeling that she had to be crazy because we couldn't possibly develop an earthly friendship. But then, then everything inside me stopped, because even though we can't have an earthly friendship so to say, she is one of my sisters in Christ. As sisters in Christ, one day we'll be reunited in Heaven.

                      God laid the word simplicity on my heart. Through out the entire week; simple, simple, simple. Enjoy the simplicity.
                      We played football (or in American's case, soccer) with the secondary school aged kids, all about our age. We played boys vs. girls the first day, and man do they have skills! I'm a very competitive person, so I really got into the games; it was the realest, most authentic fun I have had in a long time! To see the smiles across their face with just kicking a football (soccer ball) around made
me more happy than I can explain. I began to wonder, why can't we have this same contentment and happiness here at home, in America. As a friend of mine once said, "the poorer are richer," it is true, that less can be more. The next best thing can't possibly satisfy happiness. It's like an endless circle of unhappiness until we take a step back. The realization that material things don't make us happy because He is the one who created us, and only He can fill the God shaped holes that are in our hearts. And once we allow God to fill that hole, we'll be the happiest we've possibly ever been.

                Less is more.
                Simple is better.
                Take a step back.
                Robert & Rose Gitau. A couple with hearts of gold, and compassion. Words can only explain a little bit of their joyous smiles, giving hearts, and love for The Lord. I connected with Robert a bit, because like him, my dad was an alcoholic. His story blew my mind. He became a street kid a short while after his parents divorced. He said he was into to alcohol, but barely/hardly into drugs. Then one night, a man came through town with his guitar.  A guitar, and a passion for Christ that would soon change the course of Robert's life as he knew it. The man with the guitar could hardly play, and hardly sing either, but he played and sang regardless.
                        The words he sang, the cords he played grasped Roberts heart. "Where should I go but to the arms of The Lord?" The Lord isn't looking for the capable, He's looking for the available. Those who are willing to dedicate their lives to Him, and give Him their time. Robert sat there on those lyrics for a while, and then the next day, he went down to the river, just him and God, and gave his life to The Lord. Realizing that the way He was living wasn't where his heart was at.
                         I think back to this story constantly. If that man with the guitar didn't take up the opportunity The Lord placed before him, would Robert have repented? I then I think of my everyday life. How many people am I missing in my everyday life of bringing to the kingdom of God because I didn't take that chance, or because I was scared of what people may think of me.
                         I go to a school with over 5,000 students (10th grade - 12th grade),; how many of them actually know The Lord, and have a personal relationship with Him? How many of them could have a relationship with Him, if I wasn't so scared about stepping out of my comfort zone? Its mind boggling! I am guilty of hindering the kingdom of God because I am too worried about what others may think. No more. It's time to get real.

                          Now, being here back in The States, 28 days later...I'm still not over everything I experienced. I probably never will be either. This was the first trip where I was truly and deeply emotionally connected to those I encountered. I cried during our goodbyes, and if you know me, I HATE CRYING, especially in front of other people. I look around at the concrete roads, close my eyes, and picture the red dirt. This since of not belonging over floods me. That I'm not supposed to here.
                         I have this call on my life that God has given me to love the lost in places where others wouldn't typically go. This call to get down and get dirty. Constantly I have to remind myself, that my time will come. That God has me where I am at with the resources I have for a reason. And to wait, to wait for Him to tell when.

                         And so I will wait. Wait for when He sends my someplace. Until then thought, I have millions around me who have yet to encounter the same love and affection I have felt from my Daddy in Heaven.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Adventures in Nairobi

          Yesterday, we went and explored the area of Nairobi :) It was a blast! 
          We were fortunate enough to go to a baby elephant orphanage! Too cute!!!
     Followed by lunch, at believe it or not, KFC!! We're such Americans!! Hahaha :)

     Next was a trip to a giraffe center! Where one of our guys even made out with one!! For real!! Kind of gross, yet totally awesome at the same time! Take every opportunity that is thrown your way right? :)

     Heading out to Nguluni later today where we will be staying the remainder of our stay. 

     Prayers for safe travels and for God encounters!! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Flying to Kenya

        Flying is typically just a drag in all; however, these first two flights have gone by smoothly! 
        From my flight from Dallas to Detroit, I was fortunate to set next to a man named Sam. We literally talked the ENTIRE flight! 11am to 2pm! The others on my team were making jokes, "why didn't you talk about with that guy?!" And my answer is, I don't know. We talks about school, travel, religion, EVERYTHING!! 
     Then while at the food court in Detroit, a lady came up and asked me where we were heading. And when I told her Kenya, excitement spread across her face! She then began to explain how her church is partnered with people in Kenya, and that they recently built a church there. AMAZING!! God is all around! She had to go quickly to catch her flight, and exclaimed that she will be praying for us.
        Then while waiting at out gate, I spotted a group all wearing the same shirts. So with curiosity, I asked where they where heading. Turns out their heading to Ukraine for a missions trip! Spreading the kingdom of God, BOOYAH!!! We talked for a good chunk of time, and turns out they were on the same flight as us heading to Amsterdam! Which was even more awesome!! They gave me a complete run down of their ministry. And it turns out, one of the girls on their team was adopted out of Russia. And now goes and missions in Ukraine! 
    I was so fortunate to be able and exchange information with them. Now I'll be able to keep up with them & their ministry! 
    Then while on the plane to Nairobi, I sat next to a lovely lady who just so happened to originally be from Fort Worth, Texas!! How crazy awesome is our God! And her dad is the missions professor at Dallas Baptist University!! I was so lucky, because I was seating a good 20 rows away from the rest of my team. She was filled so many stories, it was amazing!!! 

       Can't wait to see what our Heavenly Father has in store for us the rest of our stay her in Kenya and what He has in store for me when I split off from the team and head over to Uganda!!! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Passion; A Journey Extended

                            God has amazing, incredible things in the works! I am happy to FINALLY announce to everyone God's journey for me this summer overseas has extended to an amazing extent!
                             I've been working and praying for weeks now. Gathering information, praying, discussing, praying some more, brainstorming, journaling, and of course praying more for God to guide me where He wants me to be.
                            As most know, at a young age, God has made His call for my life evident in more ways than I can even begin to explain! He has given me a heart that breaks for the broken, hurts for the lost, and love for the unreached and the untouched.
                            It may seem crazy; however, it's just crazy enough! Crazy love!
                            I will still be heading to Kenya this summer with a team of 17 others. We will be painting at a local school whom one of the churches I attend, Chase Oaks Church, is partnered with. We'll get to love on the children there, and the community as a whole. I am thrilled for the relationships that will come from this! I am even more excited about how the kingdom of God will grow through fellowship. The seeds that will be planted and the Holy Spirit working with those seeds.
                           We depart for this journey on the 11th of July. Prayers for safe travel would be very, very, very appreciated! (Personally, I get a bit nervous...aka slight asthma attacks...about flying). My team will depart from Nairobi, Kenya on the night of the 20th, and land back in Dallas/Fort Worth on the 21st. I on the other hand, will not.
                           As my teams boards a plane on the night of the 20th, I will camp out at the Nairobi airport until the following morning and patiently await to board a plane to Entebbe, Uganda!
                          YES, UGANDA!

                           I am fortunate enough to be blessed through social media! A group of young women ranging for teens to twenties all with a passions unexplainable, not understandable to others, yet we understand each other and have come together in the body of Christ. We are each others shoulders to lean on, ears to cry to, guidance for all, but mostly, we are sisters, Soul Sisters. We go through life encouraging each other through loving words. We hurt together, we cry together, we rejoice together, and praise The Lord together. Praise him for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He is going to do. We share in love for the lost, and broken hearts for the broken.

                           With that being said, I am one of the youngest girls in the group. I am so fortunate to have so many women of Christ whom are living out their passions to look up to. They are incredible role models! I have never personally met any of these lovely ladies in person, and I have been praying to God that our paths would soon cross. I am happy to say, some paths are crossing! :)
                           Entebbe is the airport most near the capitol of Uganda which is Kampala. Two of these precious servants of God are living out their calling He has put on their lives to be the hands and feet in Uganda, EmmaLee and Kate.
                            EmmaLee is partnered with International Voice of the Orphan, and Kate is partnered with Kyampisi Childcare Ministries. For more information on these loves, visit their blogs and see the incredibleness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
                                         EmmaLee Joy
                                                Kate Heroff
                            On the 21st of July, I will depart for Entebbe, Uganda and meet up with EmmaLee and Kate. I will stay with them and then depart back for the states on the 28th, arriving back fully on the 29th. I am excited to see the amazing things God is doing in and through the young women of God! Excited to see how the are working through everything, the good and the bad for the kingdom of God. But I am even more excited to join them, even if it is for a short period of time, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Uganda.